Today I took a very big step and bought new kitchen appliances. Keep in mind that my dishwasher hasn't worked for over a year, my oven only occasionally will light, and my refrigerator is leaking, so this is a very over due step. I'm excited, but slightly nauseous over spending a substantial amount of money, but it will make Thanksgiving (and Christman, and day to day living), a lot easier!
I actually don't mind washing dishes (sometimes I miss it as loading the dishwasher just doesn't encourage the same kind of thinking that washing does)... But no oven! I'm sure your Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners will be a treat for all who join you.
The dishwasher doesn't really bother me either, which is why it's been unreplaced for 18 months! But since I'm doing the other appliances, it was time!
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