I was pleasantly surprised to pick up my mail today and find that someone had sent me a card with a 100 dollar bill inside. Besides being a very, very nice way to start one's day, the nagging question is . . . what to do with it?
1. I can add it to the coffee can that holds my vacation fund
2. I could buy a new pair of shoes; or
3. ??????????????????
What would you do with an extra and unexpected hundred dollar bill?
Hmm...tough question.
The responsible thing would be to add it to my high yield savings account so it could make some money.
But...I would probably just blow it on books and cds.
Also - who sent you a $100 bill in the mail?
books and cds are definitely under consideration
my mom :-)
Could you give your mom my address please???
I'm getting the works at the beauty parlor tomorrow - I could sure use some extra! And does anyone still say beauty parlor??
I'd be buying a pair of shoes or saving it.
I'd throw it in savings.
Your Mom rocks!
Always good to invest it. Your vacay fund sounds like a wonderful investment. Though seriously Diane, you might want to think about putting your vacay fund into a 3 or 6 month CD --- check bankrate.com for the best CD rates and many of these banks have online accounts (like Etrade or GMAC bank or ING).
V has a great idea, invest it. I know this great investment, Sage Freedom Fund, ticker symbol SFF!
I've gotta run out and check my mailbox again, I didn't see any envelops with cash on my first trip there today
Invest-shmest. I'm all about the cute shoes. Or a spa day. Mani/Pedi and facial? Heaven.
OK, my first instinct would be to go for the shoes. But I would probably be responsible and either funnel it toward our moving fund or spend it on a nice going-away dinner with my husband.
Whatever you do, I think you should enjoy it!
Wow, there are a lot of responsible adults in bloggerland. SAvings? Investment? I would have spent that sucker within an hour of opening the card.
Thanks all for the suggestions! While I do try to max out my retirement savings and be a responsible adult, there is no way I am putting this 100 bill into a bank account!
With an extra and unexpected $100 - I'd get a tattoo. I've been wanting one for some time now, but couldn't justify spending $100 on me given other financial obligations.
Dan - that would be one tiny tattoo for $100!
a hooker
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