I hope I didn't use up all my good luck for 2007 . . .
Today I golfed in a fun tournament in Coto de Caza. Coto is where the Real Housewives of Orange County is set. It's a beautiful area, but kind of Stepford-ish. While on the course - which is surrounded by million dollar homes - we saw almost no signs of life besides squirrels on the course. No people on their balconies, no dogs barking, no kids playing . . . there is a lot of peace and quiet, but sometimes there can be too much of a good thing.
The tournament benefitted the Children's Miracle Network, a worthy cause. Our team (2 gals and 2 fellas) got our only birdie when I made a really difficult 50 foot putt - the proverbial blind squirrel finding the nut!
Even more amazingly, I bought some raffle tickets, and won 2 of the 10 available prizes - - a 3 night stay at the Flamingo in Las Vegas, and the big prize - a 4 night stay at any of a number of Marriott Villas - every where from Palm Desert to Marbella, Spain, to Thailand! Both prizes are good for a year . . .
Wow, great prizes and a birdie to boot! Congrats!
(A relative of my sister-in-law was on that damned "Real Housewives of the OC." Don't get me started!.)
Sounds like little Ms. Diane is on a lucky streak! Congrats on the birdie and the two raffle wins. If you need a travel partner, give me a ring.
Wow, great putting and it sounds like it was your lucky day. Of the casinos on the strip, the Flamingo is a favorite as they had some wonderful pools (and since I don't gamble...) Also, they're just a short walk from the incredible roller coaster at NY, NY.... Is Spain or Thailand now on your destination list?
Wow! Sounds like some travelling is in your future. Congrats on the double win and the birdie. Have you decided which Marriott Villa you'd like to stay in?
Vegas road trip????
50 foot putt?!?!? Way to go! Whoooooo! And it was all skill, none of this luck stuff.
And way to go winning the raffle prizes! Which Marriot Villa will it be? A tough but really cool decision.
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